Ikimashou (行きましょう or, let’s go)! Join us on a journey to Japan, where ancient traditions are fused with modern life. Discover timeless Bible truths that no matter what mountains we face in life, Jesus rescues. Let’s follow Jesus!
VBS at SICCC is happening on August 5-9, 2019, from 6:30pm-8:45pm. It is open to the first 100 children ages 5-11 years old who have registered. A completed form and payment of $10 per child confirms your registration. Additionally, we are concurrently offering a painting workshop for adults with limited seating.
Ikimashou 行きましょう 我們出發吧!一起參加日本之旅,去認識這個將古老的傳統與現代生活融為一體的國家。讓我們在那裡去發現永恆的聖經真理,無論我們在生活中遇到什麼樣的高山,耶穌都會拯救。讓我們跟隨主耶穌!
史德頓島華人基督教會(SICCC)的兒童暑期聖經班(VBS)將於2019年8月5日至9日 期間的下午6:30至8:45舉行。歡迎年齡在5-11歲的兒童踴躍報名,名額僅限100名,註冊報名以填妥報名表格及繳齊每人$10的報名費為準。此外,我們將同時為家長們提供繪畫工作坊,名額有限。有意報名者請屆時到我們的VBS報名處以獲取更多信息,或者在教會網站www.siccc.org 下載報名表格。