I grew up in a Christian family but I didn’t really believe in God at the start. However, I experienced His love in so many different ways. The first time I experienced God’s love was during my first year at Herald Gospel Camp. It was when we were playing a game called “Captain On Deck”. I fell and scraped both of my knees and the first person to help me was my counselor. He picked me up with his arms and then ran to the infirmary. But when my counselor picked me up and ran, it felt like God sent His son to pick me up and run. God did that because He loves me so much and watching me get injured like that is terrifying.
The second time I felt God’s love, He was overwhelming me with love. At my second year of Herald Gospel Camp, we had a Worship Night. After the praise team finished leading praise, we prayed. I started to cry, because God was overwhelming me with His unfailing love. That is how much God loves everyone. He is willing to overwhelm all of you with His love until the very end.
The time I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior was when my Dad shared his testimony with me. I accepted Jesus into my heart because of how much God’s love was in my father’s story, and I just wanted that love in my life. Another reason I accepted Jesus into my heart is because I believe that he died on the cross for my sins and rose on the third day, and I confessed and repented my sins to him.
2020 was a hard year but it was also the best year for me because I had experienced God’s love the most in 2020 compared to the past.