Growing up, my great grandmother introduced to me God. Every night since I could remember, she would pray to God and thank Him for everything. My great grandmother told me that God is watching over us and protecting us. She lived a healthy life and passed at the age of 99. I really looked up to my great grandmother because she was always very happy, peaceful, and content with her life. She loved all of us, especially God.
My great grandmother used to take me to church when I was little. I also went to church when I was in middle school. However, I started to drift apart from God and lost touch with Him when I started high school and met new friends. Now when I reflect back on my life during my early teens, I felt that I was always searching for something. I wasn’t sure what it was, my life just did not feel complete. I would try new things and meet new people, but a part of me was missing something.
It was not until I met Jeremy, my now fiancé, who introduced me back to church. This made me realize that God had been by my side this whole time, I was just too selfish to see it. It was the beginning of this year, when I had lunch with Jeremy and his family, that Uncle Willy (Jeremy’s dad) spoke to me about God’s plan of salvation. That was when I officially accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I realized that I am a sinner who needed to repent of my sins and ask Lord Jesus for His forgiveness. So, I prayed and put my trust in Him. I know that He has plans for me. Now, I am building a relationship with Him and understanding the Bible more.
He has also provided me with friends and family who are followers of Christ. They have prayed for me, helped guide me on building a relationship with God. This was the part that I felt was missing in my life. I am ready to continue on this journey on getting to know God more, and take the next step in my faith with Him. I know that God will guide me through the next chapter in my life and continue to draw me closer to Him.