My name is Jing Yan.
I grew up in church. My mom started bringing me to church when I was very little.
In church I learned a lot about Jesus and God. I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart when I was eight. I raised my hand when Mrs. Ma asked who wants to invite Jesus into their heart. I raised my hand. Praying with Mrs. Ma and my mom, I understood I was a sinner. He died on the cross for my sins to save me from eternal death and I wanted to build a relationship with him. So I voiced these truths and accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. I continue attending worship with my mom and younger brother, read the bible, and spread the word sometimes.
In August 2021, my faith was tested and strengthened when I struggled emotionally and mentally in the midst of the pandemic. I felt empty, meaningless, and lonely inside! I felt that this world had nothing left for me and the only person that could fill that void is Jesus. A few times I heard a voice inside me told me to kill myself. This voice countered with God’s voice saying “I love you and I’ll never give up on you.” After feeling God’s grace and love, and countless prayers, I was encouraged and had the yearning to continue my life in Jesus and with Jesus: a life dedicated to my savior and an eternal glory in heaven. Praise God for His love for me.